Sunday, March 12, 2006

Beginnings - Birth

Jan 6: Where was your father during your birth? If you had older brothers or sisters, where were they when you were born?
Back in the dinosaur age (1970), dads didn't go into the room. Mom was induced anyway, she nearly died because of some hemmoraging (sp). Sissy was staying at Aunt Annie's house.

Jan 7: How much did you weigh at birth? How long were you? What color were your eyes and hair? Who did they say you looked like? Why?
I was one month preemie, through induced labor. I was five pounds four ounces (2.38 kilograms) and 19 inches (48.26 cm) long. My eyes were (and remain) blue, and I had white blond hair. Everyone said I look like my dad, to the point when I went to England at age 15, all the relatives cried because I looked so much like him. People tell me now that I look more like my mom, which is just fine with me, because I think my mom is damn sexy for her age. GO MOM!

Jan 8: Who was the delivering doctor? What was the name of the hospital? How far was the hospital from your home? Is there a memorable "on the way to the hospital" story?
The hospital was named after the city, so we won't name names here, but my mom's doctor was named Obeji. The hospital was 10 miles away from our house. No special story, because labor was induced.

Jan 9: Were there unusual circumstances, problem or memorable stories surrounding your mother's pregnancy or your birth?
Labor was induced. My mother was assured I would be 8 pounds. She had to have shots every month so she didn't miscarry (Rhogam shots). Labor was four hours long, and Daddy wasn't allowed into the delivery room. He had a fit.

All the placenta wasn't delivered, so one week later she hemorraghed and had to have an emergency D&C. This is the part where she can say "You almost killed me" and mean it.

After I was born, my weight went down (as it always does with newborns) and because it slipped under 5 pounds, I had to stay in an incubator with no physical contact with my parents until I crested 5 pounds. It took two weeks.


Blogger Unknown said...

Your dad and I would call the hospital every morning to find out what you weighed cause they weighed you every moring. Amazing how much difference an ounce can make. We were thrilled when they told us you had gained 1/2 ounce or 1 ounce. We would go to the hospital every day and look at you thruough the glass window as we were not allowed to be close to you as they were afraid of germs. God what a difference the years have made and how far medicine has come. Today they would not even think of not letting the parents see and hold their baby. I remember how devastated I was when I left the hospital and you had to stay. They wheeled me out in a wheelchair and my arms were empty and I cried and cried. Two weeks seemed like forever.

12:45 PM  

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